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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2009/10/29

Board of Commissioners Meeting
October 29, 2009
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup – Chairman, Charles Smith, Christopher Leonard, David Montambeault, Kurt Markarian.
ABSENT: Paul Manson, David Cain.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Jessie Levine, Mark Kaplan, Tina Helm, Richard Lee, Neil Cheseldine.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:41 p.m.

1.      New London/Sunapee Joint Quarterly Meeting: See joint meeting minutes.

2.      Forms for Signing:  
September 2, 2009 Meeting Minutes: David M. made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as written, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
September 2009 Sewer Purchase Journal:  David M. made a motion to accept the August 2009 sewer purchase journal as presented, seconded by Kurt M., after some discussion, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
September 2009 Water Purchase Journal: David M. made a motion to accept the water purchase journal as presented, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
2nd Billing Warrants 2009: David M. made a motion to approve the billing warrants as printed, seconded by Christopher L., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
Sunapee Center Allocation Request:  Kurt M. made a motion to grant the application for sewer allocations for Oakwood Park Inc., seconded by Charles S., after some discussion regarding plant capacity, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

3.      Water Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that the flushing at night went well again and that the HAA5’s and TTHM’s are going down. The meters are read and the bills will be going out tomorrow.  
David B. reported that he Holly L. and the employees that work on meters and do the meter readings have decided that the Orion reader and software from Badger was the best fit for Sunapee’s meter reader issue. Dave B. wants to refurbish all the meters in town and inspect for cross connections slowly so that eventually all the properties will be able to be read with the drive-by software. There was some discussion regarding the cost of a new system and how this new system could be beneficial for finding leaks earlier. David M. made a motion to spend up to the $20,000 on the meter reader and related software, seconded by Kurt M., after some discussion regarding the costs and if USDA may want meters on all sewer users for funding of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade, voted 6 in favor, 1 opposed, the motion passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.
Dave B. reported that DBU will be boring the new water line on November 11th and that his department will work that night to get the new pipe hooked up.
Theodore G. reported that he and Paul M. had inspected the intake pipe and there are some holes in it as well as some missing clamps. Theodore G. reported that they would work to get some film of the pipe for the Commission to discuss later and decide what may need to be done with it. There was some discussion regarding options to repair the 120 year old intake pipe.

  • Old & New Business:  
David B. presented a quote from Cartographics (The Town’s Mapping Company), they would proposes entering all manholes, gate valves, hydrants and some highway items for $43,500, Dave B. stated that Tony B. had agreed that the highway department would pay $4,400 for their portion of the GIS mapping. David B. stated that he would like to have a warrant article crafted to do this mapping. There was some discussion regarding what mapping systems do and how they work.
David M. made a motion to work up a warrant article for mapping the sewer and water lines electronically, seconded by Christopher L., Charles S. objected due to the fact that this item was not on the agenda or in the packets for review prior to the meeting. Christopher L. withdrew his second, David M. withdrew the motion. The item will be discussed at the November meeting.
Proposed 2010 budgets:
Wastewater Treatment Plant 2010 Budget:  David M. would like to up the maintenance and repair line item to more accurately reflect what has been spent to date in 2009. The Commission decided to up the line item to $30,000.
Collection 2010 Budget:  The Commission decided to up the pump station maintenance services line item to $15,000.
Water Treatment 2010 Budget: After some discussion regarding the Lake Avenue loan payment, the Commission decided to go with the budget as presented with the increase in the loan payment.
David M. made a motion to present the budgets as amended to the Town, seconded by Christopher L., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
David B. reported that the new furnace is in at River Road.

8:12 p.m. Kurt M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2009.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup – Chairman                              David Montambeault – Vice Chair

_________________________________               __________________________________
Christopher Leonard                                     Charles Smith

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  David Cain                      

Paul Manson